base64 online decoding tool

Base64 online decoding tool provides you with base64 encoding, base64 online decoding, base64 encryption and decryption, encrypts the string in Base64 format, and displays the encrypted Base64 online decoding and decryption as plaintext. Base64 is a relatively common online encryption algorithm. When solving Chinese garbled characters, encoding Chinese in different ways can effectively avoid Chinese garbled characters. This site will not record any of your information, please use it with confidence.

Base64 index table

Base64 encoding is to use 64 printable ASCII characters (AZ, az, 0-9, +, /) to encode any byte sequence data into an ASCII string, and the "=" symbol is used for for suffix purposes.


  Base64 divides the input string into bytes, obtains the binary value corresponding to each byte (if it is less than 8 bits, the high-order bits are filled with 0), then concatenate these binary values, and then follow the 6-bit one. The group is divided (because 2^6=64), and if the last group is less than 6 bits, 0 is added at the end. Convert each set of binary values ​​to decimal, then find the corresponding symbols in the above table and concatenate them to be the Base64 encoding result.

  Base64 can be used for the underlying binary data encoding of arbitrary data, for occasions where only ASCII characters can be transmitted. However, it is most commonly used in the processing and transmission of text data. For example, in MIME-formatted emails, Base64 can be used to encode the content of the email, which is convenient for transmission between computers in different languages ​​without garbled characters. Note that it is transmitted rather than displayed, such as in Western European computers. Using utf-8 encoding can display Chinese normally (with the corresponding font library installed), but it may not be able to transmit Chinese normally, so there is no such concern when converting to Base64.

Base64 encoding If there is no special description, it is usually agreed that non-ASCII characters are encoded according to the UTF-8 character set.

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