Dynasty start and end capital city this place
约前2146-1675年 安邑 山西夏县
约前1675-1029年 河南商丘
西周 约前1029-771年 镐京 陕西西安
东周 前770-256年 洛邑 河南洛阳
前221-207年 咸阳 陕西咸阳
西汉 前206—公元25 长安 陕西西安
东汉 25—220 洛阳 河南洛阳
三国 220-265 洛阳 河南洛阳
221-263 成都 四川成都
222-280 建业 江苏南京
西晋 265-317 洛阳 河南洛阳
东晋 317-420 建康 江苏南京
十六国 304-439
南朝 420-479 建康 江苏南京
479-502 建康 江苏南京
502-557 建康 江苏南京
557-589 建康 江苏南京
北朝 北魏 386-534 平城 山西大同
洛阳 河南洛阳
东魏 534-550 河北临漳
北齐 550-577 河北临漳
西魏 535-557 长安 陕西西安
北周 557-581 长安 陕西西安
581-618 大兴 陕西西安
618-907 长安 陕西西安
后梁 907-923 河南开封
后唐 923-936 洛阳 河南洛阳
后晋 936-946 河南开封
后汉 947-950 河南开封
后周 951-960 河南开封
十国 902-979
北宋 960-1127 开封 河南开封
南宋 1127-1279 临安 浙江临安
907-1125 皇都
西夏 1038-1227 兴庆府 宁夏银川
1115-1234 会宁 阿城(黑龙江)
中都 北京
开封 河南开封
1206-1368 大都 北京
1368-1644 北京 北京
1616-1911 北京 北京
中华民国 1912-1949 南京 江苏南京
The People's Republic of China was established on October 1, 1949, with the capital Beijing.

Chinese historical dynasty time query

Chinese historical dynasties time query table: the starting and ending times of the Chinese dynasties, the location of the capital, and the current place name of the capital

Notes on Chinese Dynasties

① About the 14th century BC, Pan Geng moved the capital to Yin, and then Shang became Yin

② 841 BC (the first year of the republic of the Western Zhou Dynasty) is the beginning of the exact chronology of Chinese history

③ Including the "new" dynasty established by Wang Mang (AD 8-23). During the Wang Mang period, a large-scale peasant uprising broke out and a peasant regime was established. In 23 AD, the new Wang Mang regime fell. In 25 AD, the Eastern Han Dynasty was established

④ During this period, in northern my country, there were some feudal regimes, including: Han (Former Zhao), Cheng (Cheng Han), Qian Liang, Hou Zhao (Wei), Qian Yan, Qian Qin, Hou Yan, and Hou Qin. , Western Qin, Houliang, Nanliang, Beiliang, Nanyan, Xiliang, Beiyan, Xia and other countries were historically called "Sixteen Kingdoms"

⑤ During this period, in addition to Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou, there were also some feudal regimes, including: Wu, Former Shu, Wu Yue, Chu, Min, Nanhan, Jingnan (Nanping), and Later Shu. , Southern Tang, Northern Han and other countries were called "Ten Kingdoms" in history

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