Introduction to online calorie converter

①The heat that it absorbs (or emits) when the temperature changes to Δt through a certain process. Q represents heat (J)


Q suction=c·m·(t-t0)

Q release=c·m·(t0-t)

(t0 is the initial temperature ;t is the final temperature)

where C is the specific heat (capacity) associated with the process.

The unit of heat is the same as that of work and energy. The unit of heat in the International System of Units is the joule (referred to as joule, abbreviated as J) (in honor of the scientist joule). Historically, the calorie unit was defined as calorie (referred to as calorie, abbreviated as cal), which was only used as an auxiliary unit of energy, 1 calorie = 4.184 joules.

Note: 1kcal=1000cal=1000cal=4184J=4.184kJ

A certain area is in The equilibrium relationship between the heat absorbed and the heat released and stored in a certain period of time.


②Calculation formula of heat released by complete combustion of solid fuel: Q = mq Calculation formula of heat released by complete combustion of gas fuel: Q =Vq Q represents heat (J), q represents calorific value (J/kg), m represents the mass of solid fuel (kg), and V represents the volume of gaseous fuel (m^3).

q=Q put/m(solid); q=Q put/v(gas)

W=Q put=qm=Q put/m W=Q put=qV =Q put/v (W: total work)

(calorific value is related to pressure)

SI system:

Q——The heat released after a certain fuel is completely burned——Joule J

m——Indicates the mass of a certain fuel——Kilogram kg

q—— ——Indicates the calorific value of a certain fuel——joules per kilogram J/kg

Calculation formula for heat energy

< code>Q=△t*m*C

(specific heat capacity is C, mass is m, Δt is temperature difference)

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