HTTP Request Header request header
Header Explain example
Accept Specify the content type that the client can receive Accept: text/plain, text/html
Accept-Charset The character encoding set accepted by the browser. Accept-Charset: iso-8859-5
Accept-Encoding Specify the content compression encoding type returned by the web server that the browser can support. Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip
Accept-Language language acceptable to the browser Accept-Language: en,zh
Accept-Ranges One or more sub-range fields of web page entities can be requested Accept-Ranges: bytes
Authorization HTTP authorization certificate Authorization: 授权证书
Cache-Control Specify the caching mechanism followed by requests and responses Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection indicates whether a persistent connection is required. (HTTP 1.1 defaults to persistent connections) Connection: close
Cookie When the HTTP request is sent, all the cookie values ​​stored under the request domain name will be sent to the web server together. Cookie: $Version=1; Skin=new;
Content-Length Requested content length Content-Length: 348
Content-Type The requested MIME information corresponding to the entity Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Date The date and time the request was sent Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2010 08:12:31 GMT
Expect Request specific server behavior Expect: 100-continue
From Email of the user who sent the request From:
Host Specify the domain name and port number of the requested server Host:
If-Match only valid if the request content matches the entity If-Match: “特定值”
If-Modified-Since If the requested part is modified after the specified time, the request is successful, and if it is not modified, a 304 code is returned If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 2010 19:43:31 GMT
If-None-Match If the content has not changed, return 304 code, the parameter is the Etag previously sent by the server, compare it with the Etag returned by the server to determine whether it has changed If-None-Match: “特定值”
If-Range If the entity has not changed, the server sends the client's missing part, otherwise sends the entire entity. The parameter is also Etag If-Range: “特定值”
If-Unmodified-Since The request is successful only if the entity has not been modified after the specified time If-Unmodified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 2010 19:43:31 GMT
Max-Forwards Limit the time that information is transmitted through proxies and gateways Max-Forwards: 10
Pragma Used to contain implementation-specific instructions Pragma: no-cache
Proxy-Authorization Connect to the authorization certificate of the proxy Proxy-Authorization: 链接到代理的授权证书
Range Only request a part of the entity, specify the scope Range: bytes=500-999
Referer The address of the previous web page, the current request web page is followed, that is, the origin Referer:
TE The transfer code that the client is willing to accept, and notify the server to accept the tail and header information TE: trailers,deflate;q=0.5
Upgrade Specify a transport protocol to the server for the server to convert (if supported) Upgrade: HTTP/2.0, SHTTP/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11
User-Agent User-Agent's content contains the requesting user information User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; X11)
Via Notify intermediate gateway or proxy server address, communication protocol Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1 (Apache/1.1)
Warning Warning information about the message entity Warn: 199 Miscellaneous warning
HTTP Responses Header response header
Header Explain example
Accept-Ranges indicates whether the server supports the specified range request and what type of segment request Accept-Ranges: bytes
Age The estimated time from the origin server to the proxy cache formation (in seconds, non-negative) Age: 12
Allow A valid request behavior for a network resource, if not allowed, return 405 Allow: GET, HEAD
Cache-Control Tell all caching mechanisms whether they can be cached and what type Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Encoding The returned content compression encoding type supported by the web server. Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Language language of the response body Content-Language: en,zh
Content-Length Length of response body Content-Length: 348
Content-Location Request resource alternative alternate address Content-Location: /index.htm
Content-MD5 return the MD5 check value of the resource Content-MD5: MD5校验值
Content-Range The byte position of this part in the entire return body Content-Range: bytes 21010-47021/47022
Content-Type returns the MIME type of the content Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date The time when the original server message was sent Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2010 08:12:31 GMT
ETag The current value of the entity tag of the request variable ETag: “请求变量实体标签当前值”
Expires response expiration date and time Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 2010 16:00:00 GMT
Last-Modified The last modification time of the requested resource Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Nov 2010 12:45:26 GMT
Location Used to redirect the receiver to a non-request URL location to complete the request or identify a new resource Location:
Pragma includes implementation-specific directives that apply to any receiver in the response chain Pragma: no-cache
Proxy-Authenticate It indicates the authentication scheme and parameters that can be applied to this URL of the proxy Proxy-Authenticate: Basic
refresh Applies to redirection or a new resource is created, redirected after 5 seconds (proposed by Netscape, supported by most browsers)
Refresh: 5; url=
Retry-After If the entity is temporarily unavailable, notify the client to try again after the specified time Retry-After: 120
Server web server software name Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux)
Set-Cookie Set Http Cookie Set-Cookie: UserID=JohnDoe; Max-Age=3600; Version=1
Trailer indicates that the header field exists at the end of the block transfer encoding Trailer: Max-Forwards
Transfer-Encoding File transfer encoding Transfer-Encoding:chunked
Vary Tell the downstream proxy whether to use a cached response or request from the origin server Vary: *
Via Tell the proxy client where the response is sent Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1 (Apache/1.1)
Warning Warning about possible problems with the entity Warning: 199 Miscellaneous warning
WWW-Authenticate indicates the authorization scheme that the client requesting entity should use WWW-Authenticate: Basic

Online HTTP response header,HTTP request headers

HTTP request header provides information about the request, response or other sending entities. HTTP header information includes four parts: general header, request header, response header and entity header

Each header field consists of a domain name, a colon (:) and a domain value

Generic headers: used for both requests and responses, are associated with the transaction as a whole rather than a specific resource

Request headers: allow the client to pass information about itself and the desired response form

Response headers: the server and the response to convey its own information

Entity header: defines the information of the transmitted resource, which can be used for both the request and the response

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